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Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Turkey

 Gastric Sleeve in Turkey by GetBeauty in Antalya – Prices & Cost.

The Sleeve Gastrectomy at GetBeauty Turkey in Antalya combats obesity effectively. This weight loss surgery offers lasting results, enhancing health and well-being. Our bariatric experts use advanced techniques for tailored care.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Turkey – Cost £2,290 or $2,890

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey / Antalya – Treatment Duration – Hospital Stay – Prices & Cost

Here you can find the “Treatment Duration – Hospital Stay – Prices & Costs” for Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey. More specific information can be provided during individual consultation.

Treatment Duration

30 - 60 Minuten

Hospital Stay

4 Nights

Prices and Costs

From £2,490 up to £2.890


Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Turkey

The Gastric sleeve surgery is a prevalent surgical intervention for weight reduction. This procedure reshapes the stomach to roughly the size of a small banana, inducing a rapid sensation of fullness and decreased appetite.

During the surgery, our expert bariatric surgeon reduces the stomach volume by approximately 80-90%, leaving only sleeve-like residual stomach of about 2–3 cm in diameter. This results in a new stomach volume of 85 to 150 ml, compared to a natural stomach volume of 2 to 3 liters.

This bariatric surgery employs minimally invasive techniques and general anesthesia, using the so-called keyhole method with just three small cuts of approximately 1 cm each.

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey / Antalya

Gastric Sleeve in Turkey by GetBeauty in Antalya – Prices & CostSleeve Gastrectomy surgery, in Turkey / Antalya, is a prevalent surgical intervention for weight reduction. This procedure reshapes the stomach to roughly the size of a small banana, inducing a rapid sensation of fullness and decreased appetite.

During the surgery, our expert bariatric surgeon reduces the stomach volume by approximately 80-90%, leaving only a tubular or sleeve-like residual stomach of about 2–3 cm in diameter. This results in a new stomach volume of 85 to 150 ml, compared to a natural stomach volume of 2 to 3 liters.

This bariatric surgery employs minimally invasive techniques and general anesthesia, using the so-called keyhole method with just three small cuts of approximately 1 cm each.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Turkey

Gastric Sleeve Turkey – Cost

Gastric Sleeve Eco Package

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Turkey Eco Package Costs
  • All Preliminary Examinations
  • English-Speaking Support
  • Transfer Service
  • 4 Nights in Hospital

Gastric Sleeve Medium Package

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Turkey Medium Packg. Costs
  • Everything From the Eco Package
  • Medication After Surgery
  • Vitamins for 2 Months

Gastric Sleeve All-Inclusive Package

Gastric Sleeve Surgery All-Round Carefree Package
  • Everything From the Eco Package
  • Medication After Surgery
  • Vitamins for 4 Months
  • Proteins for 10 Days
Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Turkey Gastric Sleeve Surgery Abroad

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Abroad

Choosing gastric sleeve surgery abroad can be a practical and cost-effective alternative for patients seeking weight reduction. This surgical procedure that reduces the size of the stomach is often preferred as it retains the natural functionality of the stomach and can decrease the risk of metabolic diseases like diabetes. Through international health tourism, patients have access to experienced surgeons and modern medical facilities.

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Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

Gastric Sleeve in Turkey by GetBeauty in Antalya – Prices & CostTurkey has emerged as an attractive destination for bariatric surgeries like gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. Through the country’s reputable health tourism program, patients benefit from significantly lower costs compared to many Western countries, without compromising the quality of medical care. Bariatric surgeons in Turkey are highly experienced due to the high frequency of surgeries performed, including scarless gastric sleeve surgery (SILS), performed much more often than in England or Australia or the USA. Furthermore, the rapid recovery time after surgery allows patients to consume all foods unrestricted just a few weeks post-op.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey / Antalya – Costs

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey / Antalya – Costs

If you are considering gastric sleeve surgery, the price is a decisive criterion. With GetBeauty Turkey, you choose an option that combines top medical quality and affordable costs. In Turkey, the cost structure for medical procedures is considerably more favorable than in many Western countries, making gastric sleeve surgery a particularly attractive option.

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Affordable Prices with High Quality at GetBeauty Turkey

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey / Antalya – Cost: The cost of gastric sleeve surgery at GetBeauty Turkey is only £2290 or $2890, a price that is hard to beat. This all-inclusive package not only includes the operation itself, but all pre-and post-operative examinations. The excellent quality of medical care combined with the affordable costs makes GetBeauty Turkey one of the leading providers of sleeve gastrectomy surgery in Turkey / Antalya and a popular destination for patients worldwide.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Risks

As with any surgical procedure, gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) carries potential risks and side effects, which, however, are rare. These may include postoperative bleeding, infections, thrombosis, or pulmonary embolisms. Moreover, there is a minor risk of leaks at the seam of the remaining stomach. Long-term risks can be nutritional problems, weight gain, or reflux diseases. Overall, gastric sleeve surgery is a well-established and safer surgical weight-loss procedure. It is essential to take a thorough consultation and examination before the procedure to ensure a safe and successful treatment.

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Risk Reduction in Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

The likelihood of complications can be minimized by choosing an experienced surgical team and strictly following post-op instructions. Thorough preparation and aftercare, as provided at GetBeauty Turkey, are also crucial to minimize risks and ensure optimal recovery.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Risks Risk Reduction in Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In our “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)” section, we cover the most searched questions about gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) in Turkey. Learn more about preparation, the surgical procedure, aftercare, the risks of this intervention or the cost of Gastric Sleeve in Türkiye. Our experts at GetBeauty Turkey are ready to answer your questions and give you a comprehensive understanding of this weight-reducing procedure. Whether you would like to know more about the dietary guidelines post-surgery or how the procedure could impact your daily life – we have the answers for you.

Sleeve gastrectomy, also known as gastric sleeve surgery, is a type of weight-loss (bariatric) surgery that involves reducing the size of the stomach to help individuals lose weight.

During the procedure, a surgeon removes about 80-85% of the stomach, leaving behind a much smaller, banana-shaped section that is closed with staples. This is often referred to as a “sleeve” or “tube.” The operation is performed using a minimally invasive approach (laparoscopy).

With a significantly smaller stomach, patients feel full after eating less food, thus reducing the amount of calories consumed. Moreover, the procedure prompts hormonal changes that assist with weight loss.

Sleeve Gastric Operation

This sleeve gastric surgery is typically recommended for people who have a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher, or a BMI of 30 or more. It is also recommended for people who have a serious health problem related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.
After the surgery, patients are required to follow a strict diet and exercise plan to achieve and maintain their weight loss goals. Sleeve gastrectomy is generally a safe surgery but, like any other surgery, it comes with potential risks and complications. Hence, thorough consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial before deciding on this surgery.

Like any major surgery, gastric sleeve surgery comes with potential risks and complications. These can include:

Surgical Complications

Such as bleeding, infection, blood clots, and reactions to anesthesia.


This is a rare but serious complication where a leak occurs from the line where parts of the stomach have been stapled together.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Due to the reduced stomach size, patients may experience deficiencies in nutrients and vitamins as they are unable to consume as much food.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Some patients might experience an increase in GERD symptoms after surgery.

Weight Regain

Some patients may regain some weight they initially lose. It’s important to commit to lifelong healthy eating and regular exercise.


This is a narrowing of the sleeve which could require additional procedures.

Dumping Syndrome

This is a group of symptoms like abdominal cramps and diarrhea that happen because food moves too quickly from the stomach to the small intestines.

Remember, it’s crucial to discuss these risks with your healthcare provider to understand the potential complications and how they would be handled. The quality of your postoperative care, including your diet and lifestyle changes, will also greatly impact your risk levels and the surgery’s overall success.

While specifics may vary depending on the medical provider, an “all-inclusive package” for gastric sleeve surgery typically includes the following:

Preoperative Assessment

This consists of all necessary examinations and consultations before the surgery, including blood tests, physical evaluation, and meetings with the nutritionist and psychologist, if necessary.

Surgery Costs

This includes the surgeon’s fee, the anesthesiologist’s fee, and the charges for the operating room and medical supplies.

Hospital Stay

All costs related to the hospital stay, which typically ranges to 5 days for a gastric sleeve surgery.

Postoperative Care

This includes follow-up appointments, nutritional guidance, and psychological support, if necessary.

Accommodation and Transfers

In some cases, especially when the surgery is done abroad, the package might include accommodation for a certain number of nights and transfers to and from the hospital, airport, and hotel.

Support and Assistance

The package might also include a patient coordinator or guide who assists you throughout the process, ensuring you understand the procedures and follow the guidelines.

It’s essential to get a clear breakdown of what is included in your “all-inclusive package” to avoid any hidden costs or surprises. Be sure to clarify all these details with your medical provider beforehand.

Before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, it’s important to consider the following:

Medical Evaluation

Ensure you have a comprehensive medical evaluation by your surgeon and a multidisciplinary team, which may include a dietitian, a psychologist, and other specialists, as necessary. This is to confirm that the procedure is suitable for your health condition.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes

Begin to adopt healthy lifestyle modifications such as a balanced diet and regular physical activity. These changes will help you prepare for the surgery and for life afterward.

Smoking and Alcohol

If you smoke or consume alcohol regularly, you should quit or significantly reduce this, as it can increase complications during and after surgery.


Discuss with your doctor any medications you’re taking, including over-the-counter drugs, as you might need to adjust these before the surgery.

Mental Preparation

Understand that this surgery is just a tool to help with weight loss. Commitment to lifestyle changes is crucial for long-term success.

Risk and Complications

Make sure you understand the potential risks and complications of the surgery. Though rare, complications can occur and you need to be aware of the signs.

Post-Operative Plan

Have a clear understanding of what the recovery process will look like, and what your diet and activity levels will need to be in the weeks and months following the surgery.

Always consult with your healthcare team for personalized advice and guidelines.

GetBeauty Turkey is committed to making your medical journey as smooth and stress-free as possible. Here’s how they can assist with your trip:

Pre-Operative Consultation

The team at GetBeauty Turkey will arrange consultations with your surgeon prior to your trip. This ensures all your questions are answered, and you’re well-prepared for the surgery.

Travel Arrangements

GetBeauty Turkey can aid in organizing your travel to and from Turkey. They are experienced in coordinating international medical travel.


They can help arrange your accommodation close to the hospital or clinic. This allows you to rest comfortably before and after your surgery without worrying about transportation.


GetBeauty Turkey typically provides airport pick-up and drop-off services. They may also offer transportation between your accommodation and the hospital or clinic.

Interpreter Services

If needed, interpreter services can be provided to ensure smooth communication between you and the medical staff.

Post-Operative Care

After your surgery, the team at GetBeauty Turkey will guide you through the recovery process. They can arrange follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress.

Emergency Contact: They provide an emergency contact number that you can call anytime if you require assistance during your stay in Turkey.


Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey / Antalya – Cost: GetBeauty Turkey often offers all-inclusive packages covering the costs of the surgery, accommodation, and in some cases, even the flights.

Remember, it’s essential to clarify all these points with GetBeauty Turkey to ensure you receive the support you require. They are there to make your medical journey as easy as possible.

Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, is a significant procedure and there are certain requirements a patient must meet to be considered a suitable candidate. Here are the most common criteria:


Patients typically have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, classifying them as severely or morbidly obese. In certain cases, those with a BMI between 30 and 35 may also be eligible if they suffer from obesity-related health conditions like type 2 diabetes or sleep apnea.

Weight History

Candidates for gastric sleeve surgery usually have a history of failed attempts at diet and exercise plans. This surgery is considered when traditional weight loss methods are not effective.

Medical Evaluation

A comprehensive medical evaluation is necessary to assess your health status. The evaluation includes testing to rule out conditions that could make the surgery unsafe or inhibit weight loss.

Psychological Evaluation

Mental health is a significant factor in successful weight loss post-surgery. You may undergo a psychological evaluation to check for eating disorders or untreated mental health conditions that could impact your ability to adhere to post-surgery lifestyle changes.


Candidates must be committed to a lifestyle change. Gastric sleeve surgery is not a quick fix but rather a tool to aid in weight loss. Post-surgery, patients must adhere to a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen.


While there’s no strict age limit for the procedure, individual health risks and benefits will be assessed. The surgery is typically offered to individuals between the ages of 18 and 65.

Remember, it’s crucial to discuss your health condition and medical history with your doctor or surgeon to ensure you’re a suitable candidate for gastric sleeve surgery. The criteria can vary depending on individual cases and professional guidelines.

The dietary guidelines for gastric sleeve surgery are designed to help your body heal post-surgery and adapt to its new structure, while also promoting weight loss. They typically include several stages:

  1. Pre-Operative Diet

  2. Before your surgery, you may be required to follow a low-calorie diet. This often includes high-protein, low-carbohydrate foods and plenty of fluids. The goal is to reduce the size of your liver, making the surgery safer and easier.

  3. Post-Operative Diet

    • Stage 1 – Clear Liquid Diet: Immediately after surgery, you’ll be restricted to a clear liquid diet. This may include water, broth, sugar-free gelatin, and sugar-free popsicles. It’s important to sip slowly and stay hydrated.

    • Stage 2 – Full Liquid Diet: If you tolerate clear liquids well, you’ll move on to a full liquid diet, which may include protein shakes, pureed soup, and milk.

    • Stage 3 – Pureed Diet: After successfully tolerating liquids, you’ll begin a pureed diet. Foods should have a smooth consistency and no solid pieces. Examples include lean proteins (like fish and chicken), fruits and vegetables, and dairy products, all blended to a smooth texture.

    • Stage 4 – Soft Foods: Once the pureed diet is tolerated, soft, easily chewable foods are introduced. This can include cooked vegetables, soft fruits, lean meats, and eggs.

    • Stage 5 – Regular Diet: Eventually, you’ll transition to regular foods, but they must be introduced gradually and chewed thoroughly.

  4. Long-Term Diet

  5. Following these stages, you’ll transition to a regular diet, but it’s important to focus on protein-rich foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. You should avoid sugars, fats, and high-calorie snacks.

Remember, everyone is different, and your doctor or nutritionist will provide personalized advice based on your individual needs and reactions to the surgery. Keep in mind that portion sizes will be much smaller due to the reduced size of your stomach. Eating small, frequent meals and chewing your food well will be key practices.

Lastly, proper hydration is crucial, but it’s recommended to avoid drinking 30 minutes before and after meals to prevent stretching the stomach and triggering feelings of discomfort. As always, seek professional medical advice before changing your diet.

Sleeve gastrectomy, often known as gastric sleeve surgery, is a weight-loss (bariatric) procedure aimed at decreasing the size of the stomach to promote weight loss.

Procedure Details

In the course of the operation, a surgeon removes approximately 80-85% of the stomach, leaving a significantly smaller, banana-shaped section that is closed with staples, often referred to as a “sleeve” or “tube”. The surgery is typically performed via a minimally invasive approach, known as laparoscopy.

Impact on Food Intake and Hormonal Changes

With a reduced stomach size, patients experience a sense of fullness after consuming less food, which in turn decreases the amount of calories they intake. Additionally, the procedure triggers hormonal changes that further support weight loss.

Eligibility for the Surgery

This type of surgery is typically recommended for people who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. It can also be an option for people with a BMI of 35 or more, who also have a serious health problem linked to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.

Post-Surgery Care

Following the procedure, patients must adhere to a strict diet and exercise regimen to reach and maintain their weight loss goals.

Risks and Complications

Although sleeve gastrectomy is generally a safe procedure, like any surgery, it carries potential risks and complications. Therefore, a comprehensive consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial before making a decision for this surgery.